I want to keep this blog as-to-the point as possible: I am starting a nonprofit in Winnipeg. If you are interested in this journey, I encourage you to continue to read. For this first post I will explain some of what that looks like, I will also be sharing the *working* mission statement and ultimately what drove me to start this nonprofit. Let’s begin with that, as chronologically that is a great place to begin.
In 2016 I had an opportunity to travel to Southeast Asia on a trip where I witnessed the worlds most atrocious evil: the purchasing of children for sexual favours. I never came back from that trip the way I left, I met with people who were forced into that way of life and I’ve never been more broken. When I came back I swore that I would do everything in my power to prevent that from happening to other little girls and boys around the world. I’m not sure I have done anything in all honesty, but as I started to learn more about the evils of the sex trade I decided to enrol in a Criminal Justice degree in Winnipeg. While studying human trafficking I started to learn more about sexual violence more broadly and I feel more strongly than ever that the need to offer services to survivors of all types of sexual violence is ever present. What I care about is providing opportunities for victims to become survivors.
I will never claim to be an expert in this area, but I am always striving to learn more. I want to provide supportive services to people of all genders, sexes, religions, faiths, races, familial background, economic background, etc. The services that this centre will provide will be for all people, at any time of their healing journey.
As time moves forward the list of things I will need from people seems endless. I will need a board of directors, administrative staff, volunteers, counsellors, software developers, technical staff, designers, therapists of various types, fundraisers, lawyers, accountants, donation-givers and the list goes on and on. For now what I am looking for is awareness. Awareness that this process is getting started and awareness of all the amazing things that are certain to come. You can expect to see a fundraiser/awareness campaign take shape in the next 3-4 months! I want input, I want opinions. If you yourself are a survivor and have wisdom to share with me for better services do not hesitate to reach out to me - I promise that your story will be kept safe with me.
The unnamed nonprofit (my first name for rejected) is to be a safe place and that will be reflected throughout the entire process. Please ask me any questions and share any feedback you wish to share with me. I am listening because your input matters in order for this nonprofit to become a success. Please share with me, I sincerely mean it.
Thank you,
PS Please bear with me as I navigate operating a blog... it will become more appealing to look at as I figure out how to make it look prettier.
For any thoughts, questions or comments please contact my email address at samanthajogauthier@gmail.com