Hello all! I got so caught up with my social media announcements I forgot to announce my nonprofit name on here: Welcome to the Blog of The Koru Centre! What is a koru? The koru is a spiral shape based on the appearance of an unfurling silver fern. It is a symbol integral to the Maori culture in New Zealand. It is a symbol for new life, growth, strength and peace. We feel that this embodies the values of The Koru Centre and the goals in which we hope to have for all clients. I first heard about this symbol when I was in New Zealand several years ago and fell in love with all that it has to represent, I had no idea that it would impact my life so much though. I am writing today with conflicting emotions. One, I am ecstatic to be officially incorporated. This opens the door for us to start the application to become a charitable organization, which will ultimately help us to be able to apply for more grants and funds. Two, I am in love with the logo that was created by Doodles by Design Multimedia Productions, aka Chantelle Klassen. She did a brilliant job and I am already waiting for my merchandise to arrive! Yep, I already ordered a mug, t-shirt and sweater to rep the Koru Centre. Side note: in either February or March I will be launching merchandise for purchase as a fundraiser. Secondly, I am overwhelmed by steps that need to be taken in order to achieve my dreams. Looking for counsellors is not easy. And at this time the challenge is even higher because they have to be volunteer counsellors. I think the first step that I need to take is starting to raise awareness about the centre. I am currently debating reaching out to universities and seeing if I can speak to criminal justice classes, like intro to criminal justice or victimology, things like that. But I am incredibly nervous about this prospect because at times I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm incredibly nervous about somebody asking me a question and me not having the answer to it, how embarrassing. Either way, at some point I need to start raising awareness about the centre sooner rather than later, but I think that this project is going to move a little bit slower than I would like it to. The other project I am looking at doing is sending letters to local businesses to see if we can find some kind of partnership together. If you have any suggestions of businesses in Winnipeg that may be of interest for me to contact please let me know. Not much to report this time around, just being open with my struggles in trying to operate this new endeavor! If you have any questions or comments, as always, feel free to contact me at samanthajogauthier@gmail.com. Until next time, Samantha